Balcony Diary


Top page

  1. Tap "Diary"
    Page transition to Diary calendar.
  2. Tap "Memo"
    Page transition to Memo list.

Diary calendar

  1. Tap ""
    Back to Previous page.
  2. Comment area in "Diary calendar" page
    You can write comment in this page. Tapping within the bordar line, you can write comment.
  3. Calendar area
    Calendar of the current month is shown.
  4. Tap "" or ""
    Calendar of last month or next month can be shown.
  5. Tap day
    Page transition to Day diary page you tapped. If you tap the day without , will be shown at your first tap, and page transition to Day diary page at your second tap.

  6. A mark of the day you recorded.

Day diary

  1. Tap ""
    Back to Previous page.
  2. Tap ""
    You can delete all records (comment and photos) of this day.
  3. Comment area in "Day diary" page
    You can write comment in this page. Tapping within the bordar line, you can write comment.
  4. Photo area
    Photos which is taken by ⑤ or selected by ⑥ are shown.
  5. Hold down photo
    You can delete photo if you hold down the photo shown.
  6. Tap ""
    You can open camera and take photo. The photo would be shown in ④.
  7. Tap ""
    You can select photo saved in your device. The photo would be shown in ④.
tsuta tsuta

Memo list

  1. Tap ""
    Back to Previous page.
  2. Tap ""
    You can add a new memo.
  3. Tap each memo
    Page transition to Memo page you tapped. You can delete memo if you swipe right the memo.


  1. Tap ""
    Back to Previous page.
  2. Tap ""
    You can delete memo shown here.
  3. Memo area
    Memo is shown. Tapping within memo area, you can write memo.